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Sociology in Action Activity 2

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Activity 2: Identifying Deviance Neutralizations

Image of Sociology in Action, Third Edition Cover

  • Time frame: Approximately 60 - 90 Minutes
  • Setting: Online or face-to-face
  • SourceChapter 6 (Doing Sociology 6.4)
    Sociology in Action, 3e,
    edited by: Kathleen Odell Korgen and Maxine P. Atkinson 

Doing Sociology 6.4 Identifying Deviance Neutralizations

How do individuals manage deviant identities?

In this exercise, you will examine respondent quotes from Alexander and Opsal’s (2021) research on hazing among college students, identify the techniques of neutralization they use, and consider why they attempt to neutralize the deviance of hazing.

Frederick: I would do it [hazing] every day if that meant I was part of an elite group. How do you think people at Harvard feel when they’re in tough classes? They’re getting a degree from Harvard so they don’t care how hard it is because at the end I’ll have that degree, and that’s kind of how I feel about [the fraternity and hazing]. (p. 1303)

Derek: If you’re hazing someone you can say that they’re just making it up. . . . What they did, is it really harmful? You can say all these people went through it, and they’re fine. Maybe those people [who are hazed] are taking it too seriously. (p. 1306)

Lindsey: If [the university] thinks it’s such a problem here, then why not change it up and let us run the process? You know, like, let us try it because they keep saying it’s terrible here and that hazing keeps happening, and it’s like well, you’re the ones calling the shots right now. So, that’s on you. (p. 1305)

Write your answers to the following questions. Be prepared to share your responses with your classmates.

  1. Which respondent (Frederick, Derek, or Lindsey) condemned the condemners?
  2. Which respondent (Frederick, Derek, or Lindsey) appealed to higher loyalties?
  3. Which respondent (Frederick, Derek, or Lindsey) used denial of injury?
  4. Why do you think the college students used these strategies? What do they gain from excusing and justifying their hazing behaviors?

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