Event History Models for Life Course Analysis
Lawrence Wu
Nonparametric Estimation: Theory
Nonparametric Estimation from Incomplete Observations
E.L. Kaplan and Paul Meier
Theory and Applications of Hazard Plotting for Censored Failure Data
Wayne Nelson
Nonparametric Inference for a Family of Counting Processes
Odd Aalen
A Flaw in Actuarial Exposed-to-Risk Theory
Jan Hoem
Issues in Smoothing Empirical Hazards
Lawrence Wu
Nonparametric Estimation: Applications
The Incidence of Divorce within Cohorts of American Marriages Contracted since the Civil War
Samuel Preston and John McDonald
Slipping Into and Out of Poverty: The Dynamics of Spells
Mary Jo Bane and David Ellwood
Trends in Cohabitation and Implications for Children's Family Contexts
Larry Bumpass and Hsien-Hen Lu
Cohort Estimates of Nonmarital Fertility
Lawrence Wu
The Cox Model: Theory
Regression Models and Life Tables
D. R. Cox
Understanding Cox's Regression Model: A Martingale Approach
Richard Gill
The Cox Model: Applications
Unemployment over the Life Cycle: Racial Differences and the Effect of Changing Economic Conditions
Thomas DiPrete
Entry into Marriage and Parenthood by Young Men and Women: The Influence of Family Background
Robert Michael and Nancy Brandon Tuma
Parametric Models: Theory
On the Nature of the Function Expressive of the Law of Human Mortality
Benjamin Gompertz
The Distribution by Age of the Frequency of First Marriage
Ansley Coale and Donald McNeil
The Process of Entry into First Marriage
Gudmund Hernes
A Comparison of the 'Sickle Function' with Alternative Stochastic Models of Divorce Rates
Andreas Diekmann and Peter Mitter
Parametric Models: Applications
The Divergence of Black and White Marriage Patterns
Neil Bennett, David Bloom and Patricia Craig
Social Inheritance of Divorce in Postwar Germany
Andreas Diekman and Henriette Engelhardt
Legal Environments and Organizational Governance: The Expansion of Due Process in the American Workplace
Lauren Edelman
Contextual Effects in the Classroom: The Impact of Ability Groups on Student Attention
Diane Felmlee and Donna Eder
The Liability of Newness: Age Dependence in Organizational Death Rates
John Freeman, Glenn Carroll and Michael Hannan
Income and Independence Effects on Marital Dissolution: Results from the Seattle and Denver Income-Maintenance Experiments
Michael Hannan, Nancy Brandon Tuma and Lyle Groeneveld
Diverging Fertility Among U.S. Women Who Delay Childbearing
Steven Martin
Rewards, Resources and the Rate of Mobility: A Nonstationary Multivariate Stochastic Model
Nancy Brandon Tuma
Work as a Turning Point in the Life Course of Criminals: A Duration Model of Age, Employment, and Recidivism
Christopher Uggen
Time-Varying Covariates: Applications
Social Change, the Social Organization of Families and Fertility Limitation
William Axinn and Scott Yabiku
Principles of Cohesion in Cohabitation and Marriage
Julie Brines and Kara Joyner
An Event History Analysis of Racial Rioting in the 1960s
Daniel Myers
Questions in Time: Investigating the Structure and Dynamics of Unfolding Classroom Discourse
Martin Nystrand, Lawrence Wu, Adam Gamoran, Susie Zeiser and Daniel Long
Family Structure and the Risk of a Premarital Birth
Lawrence Wu and Brian Martinson
Effects of Family Instability, Income and Income Instability on the Risk of a Premarital Birth
Lawrence Wu
Discrete-Time Models: Theory
Discrete-Time Methods for the Analysis of Event Histories
Paul Allison
Change and Stability in Educational Stratification
Robert Mare
Discrete-Time Models: Applications
Mothers, Children, and Cohabitation: The Intergenerational Effects of Attitudes and Behavior
William Axinn and Arland Thornton
Two Decades of Family Change: The Shifting Economic Foundations of Marriage
Megan Sweeney
No Trend in the Intergenerational Transmission of Divorce
Jui-Chung Allen Li and Lawrence Wu
Another Look at the Stratification of Educational Transitions: The Logistic Response Model with Partial Proportionality Constraints
Robert Hauser and Megan Andrew
Unobserved Heterogeneity: Theory
Heterogeneity's Ruses: Some Surprising Effects of Selection on Population Dynamics
James Vaupel and Anatoli Yashin
A Method for Minimizing the Impact of Distributional Assumptions in Econometric Models for Duration Data
James Heckman and Burton Singer
Heterogeneity, Omitted Variable Bias and Duration Dependence
Gary Chamberlain
Simultaneous Equations for Hazards: Marriage Duration and Fertility Timing
Lee Lillard
Kindred Lifetimes: Frailty Models in Population Genetics
J.W. Vaupel
Unobserved Heterogeneity: Applications
Interrelated Family-Building Behaviors: Cohabitation, Marriage, and Nonmarital Conception
Michael Brien, Lee Lillard and Linda Waite
Does Unemployment Cause Future Unemployment? Definitions, Questions, and Answers from a Continuous Time Model of Heterogeneity and State Dependence
James Heckman and George Borjas
New Evidence on the Timing and Spacing of Births
James Heckman, V. Joseph Hotz and James Walker
Competing Risks: Theory
A Nonidentifiability Aspect of the Problem of Competing Risks
A Tsiatis
The Identifiability of the Competing Risks Model
James Heckman and Bo Honoré
Competing Risks: Applications
Drug Use and Other Determinants of Premarital Pregnancy and Its Outcome: A Dynamic Analysis of Competing Events
Kazuo Yamaguchi and Denise Kandel
Social Capital and International Migration: A Test Using Information on Family Networks
Alberto Palloni, Douglas Massey, Miguel Ceballos, Kristin Espinosa and Michael Spittel
Local Hazard Models
Lawrence Wu and Nancy Brandon Tuma
Log-Multiplicative Models for Discrete-Time Discrete-Covariate Event History Data
Yu Xie
An Approach to Nonparametric Regression for Life History Data using Local Linear Fitting
Gang Li and Hani Doss
Trajectories of Fetal Loss in the Czech Republic
Elwood Carlson, Jan Hoem and Jitka Rychtarikova
Left Truncation and Left Censoring
On the Treatment of Interrupted Spells and Initial Conditions in Event History Analysis
Alfred Hamerle
The Distribution of Single Spell Duration Data
Geert Ridder
Models for Clustered, Sequential, and Diffusion Processes
Estimating a Multivariate Proportional Hazards Model for Clustered Data Using the EM Algorithm, with an Application to Child Survival in Guatemala
Guang Guo and German Rodriguez
Multivariate Survivorship Analysis Using Two Cross-Sectional Samples
Mark Hill
A Nested Frailty Model for Survival Data, With an Application to the Study of Child Survival in Northeast Brazil
Narayan Sastry
Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity in Diffusion
David Strang and Nancy Brandon Tuma
Effects of Exposure on Prevalence and Cumulative Risk: Direct and Indirect Effects in a Recursive Hazard Model
Lawrence Wu and Steven Martin