Contemporary Directions in Theory, Practice, and Research
- Shoshana Ringel - University of Maryland Baltimore, USA
- Jerrold R. Brandell - Wayne State University, USA
Trauma: Contemporary Directions in Theory, Practice, and Research is a comprehensive text on trauma, including such phenomena as sexual abuse, childhood trauma, PTSD, terrorism, natural disasters, cultural trauma, school shootings, and combat trauma. Addressing multiple theoretical systems and how each system conceptualizes trauma, the book offers valuable information about therapeutic process dimensions and the use of specialized methods and clinical techniques in trauma work, with an emphasis on how trauma treatment may affect the clinician. Intended for courses in clinical practice and psychopathology, the book may also be useful as a graduate-level text in the allied mental health professions.
"I am rather impressed with the inclusion of several somewhat unintegrated areas of research in the area of psychological trauma and its treatment. For instance, the inclusion of collective trauma as a topic of study along with innovative CBT therapies like EMDR, which could be considered an integral approach to trauma-resolution, is noteworthy and admirable...I commend the authors for their treatment of an area that is relatively novel, innovative, and practical...I strongly endorse the premise of the book. The authors are providing a unique contribution for several reasons. First, the field of trauma study is growing quickly, so new information is being amassed relatively quickly. To disseminate a sample of such information in one book appears warranted. Second, the authors tackle topics that go unaddressed in conventional trauma-related work, it seems, such as collective trauma and integral clinical approaches. Highlighting such areas introduces clinicians-in-training to cutting edge knowledge in the field."
"Compared to the texts I have used, the proposed text provides a clearer more direct theoretical approach for understanding and intervening in trauma. It also examines populations not previously discussed such as bullying, children experiencing traumatic loss, and trauma among Native Americans...the proposed book, Contemporary Directions in Trauma Theory, Research and Practice, covers important areas that have been missing in other texts. I especially liked the organization of this text, specifically the examination of trauma through various theoretical frameworks including cognitive behavioral therapy, psychodynamic theory and attachment theory. And as the authors indicate, their discussion of clinical application with select population is unique. The impact of bullying on school children as well as art therapy with children experiencing traumatic loss are important topics which have been neglected in other texts. Combat trauma is clearly important especially given the need for working with soldiers returning from Iraq as well as the impact on their families. I also liked the chapter, Implications for teaching and supervision – again a topic I have not previously encountered...the book has a number of strengths including its organization around theoretical frameworks. I think this organization will help students better grasp the theoretical rationale for conducting a particular assessment and intervention."
"I strongly endorse many aspects of the authors’ rationale. Specifically, a text is needed that is from a social work perspective, updates the well-respected existing texts, is focused on clinical interventions, and especially uses psychodynamic and attachment theories. I would buy this book myself.... I am excited about this book. It addresses an area that I believe is extremely important. More helping professionals are realizing the central role trauma plays in many of our clients’ lives and this text has the potential to address the lack of education about trauma. In addition, the psychodynamic perspective is appealing because of the natural fit of this theory with understanding trauma and its impact."
Fits the discipline of the current direction of the course.
Will be used as a supplemental text at Keystone College, the other college I teach at.
Sample Materials & Chapters
Chapter 1: Overview: History of Trauma Theory
Chapter 2: Cognitive-Behavioral Theory