Profiles in Contemporary Social Theory
- Anthony Elliott - University of South Australia, Australia
- Bryan S Turner - City University of New York, USA
Sociological Theory
Profiles in Contemporary Social Theory will become a major reference work in the field of social theory because it offers in-depth commentaries that comprehensively examine the contents, contexts and critical evaluation of key theorists of the day.
`The publication of this volume will make a dramatic impact, for it shifts the boundaries of current understandings of the field of social theory. It presents a set of cogent, well- informed, well-organized discussions of many authors who are not conventionally seen as relevant to that field. On the other hand, it also reconsiders a number of the field's established figures and focuses on their contribution to a few thematic concerns, which the editors formulate compellingly in their introduction' - Gianfranco Poggi, European University Institute
`A most innovative and creative collection of essays on contemporary social theory. What stands out about this book is the editors' choice of thinkers.... Included here are essays not only on many of the most important contemporary social theorists (including some interesting, even surprising, choices), but also on many of the thinkers of the recent past who are having a powerful impact on contemporary social thought. A welcome addition to the personal libraries of not only social theorists, but those in a wide range of specialities in the social sciences' - George Ritzer, University of Maryland
It's a very useful reference book but more suitable for academic students then for our students at a university of applied sciences. Also, the content is more orientated towards the philosophical side of social theory and gives less information on the original research done by the theorists described in the book. For our students the book is to much an in depth description of these thinkers on social theory, but for me as a lecturer the information the book contains provides a very interesting background and understanding of many of these classic authors and thinkers on social theory.
This book provides an excellent overview of some of the most important sociological thinkers and is written in an easily accessible way for undergraduate students.
Excellent, well informed and easy to use. I enjoy the high level of variety within this text.
very good and useful book in providing profiles for classical social theorists, some of which are relevant to the discussion on contemporary information society issues
Great for those who want to know more about social theory, but want a quick introduction and a quick reference source. Good for interdisciplinary studies, or marketing and consumer behaviour students, who need critical social underpinnings from key theorists to their work.