Management Learning
Management Learning is:
- Inclusive: covering all aspects of learning and knowing in management and organizations, encouraging interdisciplinary dialogue, and promoting a range of methodological and theoretical approaches;
- Innovative: publishing high-quality work derived from critical, imaginative and committed inquiry which builds new ideas and developments relating to theory, pedagogy and practice;
- International: addressing international and multi-cultural aspects of learning, with an international base of readers, authors, reviewers and editorial board members;
- Integrative: linking research, theory, methods and practice;
- Impactful: aspiring to publish papers that are influential both within the field of management and organizational scholarship, and in the arenas of policy and organizational practice.
Articles in Management Learning advance theory and practice through two defining characteristics: they engage in critique, and are thought-provoking. These characteristics suggest a processual, provisional and potentially contested view of knowledge and learning, and emphasize the need to open-up existing ways of thinking to scrutiny. In doing so, they promote new perspectives and interpretations. Authors should therefore move beyond descriptive and conventional views to reflect upon, analyse and critique; be explicit about their philosophical and/or theoretical perspective; and explain and justify their methods and data analysis. Conclusions should be clear, well-developed, and fully justified.
Manuscripts should be situated within a relevant body of literature, connect to important conversations in the field and the journal, make a significant and substantial contribution to the development of management and organizational learning, and be coherent, clear and compelling. We encourage submissions from a variety of theoretical perspectives including critical, poststructuralist, feminist, interpretive, phenomenological, discursive, semiotic and aesthetic perspectives. Authors should carefully and persuasively craft their argument by clearly stating their contribution and ensuring that their philosophical and/or theoretical perspective, the method, analysis, discussion and conclusion are consistent and coherent.
Papers should convey commitment and excitement, and use accessible and direct language. While many of our readers are scholars and researchers, Management Learning addresses a wider audience with an interest in management learning. Esoteric language should therefore not stand in the way of effective communication and discussion.
"No other journal so successfully communicates the richness of the field of knowledge, knowing and learning in management education and in organizations as well," Silvia Gherardi
"This remains one of the very few 'must read' journals that I get," Karl Weick
"As the most innovative and exciting journal in its field, I recommend Management Learning to anyone interested in advancing more critical and challenging approaches to the diverse forms of management education," Hugh Willmott
This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
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Management Learning is a fully peer-reviewed journal which welcomes contributions from management and organization studies and related fields and disciplines, as well as papers adopting multi-disciplinary or interdisciplinary perspectives. Papers may address a variety of topics but the link with learning and managing organizations must be made explicit. Papers on specific topics which do not consider implications for learning would not be appropriate.
Manuscripts drawing on field research may involve a wide variety of data sources and research methods, including ethnographic, discursive, deconstructive, narrative, survey and case study methodologies. The common theme is that contributions are written with the readership of Management Learning in mind a readership that expects high quality, thought-provoking, innovative, thoughtful papers that make a clear contribution to the field.
Management Learning includes work on topics relating to:
- Learning and knowing in management and organizations: including individual and organizational learning; critical and reflexive approaches to learning, managing and organizing.
- Processes and practices of learning: for example, different approaches and new perspectives on learning and pedagogy, critical approaches to management education; relationships between learning and experience; formal and informal learning; and the roles of language, symbols, narratives and metaphor in learning and knowing.
- Theoretical perspectives on learning and knowing: for example, philosophies of knowledge and knowing and conceptual approaches to learning and development.
- Wider issues: for example, the relationship between learning and culture, gender, ethics, power, and emotion; and critiquing conventional approaches to management learning.
Ajnesh Prasad | Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico |
Martyna Sliwa | University of Bath, UK |
Amon Barros | FGV-EAESP, Brazil |
Amy Way | Villanova University, USA |
Alexandra Bristow | The Open University, UK |
David R Jones | Northumbria University, UK |
Emmanouela Mandalaki | NEOMA Business School, France |
Gabrielle Durepos | Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada |
Mairi Maclean | University of Bath, UK |
Michal Izak | University of Chester, UK |
Paulina Segarra | Universidad Anáhuac, Mexico |
Thomas Calvard | University of Edinburgh, UK |
Cara Reed | Cardiff University, UK |
Deborah Brewis | Bath University, UK |
Amal Abdellatif | Northumbria University, UK |
Caterina Bettin | University of Eastern Finland, Finland |
Ziyun Fan | University of York, UK |
Todd Bridgman | Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand |
Lisa Burns | The Open University, UK |
Rafael Alcadipani | FGV-EAESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil |
Stephen Allen | University of Hull, UK |
Lisa Anderson | University of Liverpool, UK |
Elena Antonacopoulou | Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario, Canada |
Karen Ashcraft | University of Colorado Boulder, USA |
Marco Berti | University of Technology Sydney, Australia |
Brigitte Biehl | SRH Hochschule Berlin, Germany |
Deborah Blackman | University of New South Wales, Australia |
Sarah Blithe | University of Colorado Boulder, USA |
Tim Butcher | University of Tasmania, Australia |
Arne Carlsen | BI Norwegian Business School, Norway |
Brigid Carroll | University of Auckland, New Zealand |
Andrea Casey | George Washington University, USA |
Sylwia Ciuk | Oxford Brookes University, UK |
Graeme Currie | Warwick Business School, UK |
Gordon E Dehler | College of Charleston, USA |
Viktor Dörfler | University of Strathclyde Business School, UK |
Michaela Driver | New Mexico State University, USA |
Miguel Cunha | Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal |
Gareth Edwards | UWE Bristol, UK |
Bente Elkjær | Aarhus University, Denmark |
Andrea Ellinger | University of Texas at Tyler, USA |
Carole Elliott | Sheffield University, UK |
Lars Engwall | Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University, Sweden |
Jeanie M Forray | Seneca Consortium, USA |
Yiannis Gabriel | University of Bath, UK |
Suzanne Gagnon | University of Manitoba, Canada |
Daniel Geiger | University of Hamburg, Germany |
Silvia Gherhardi | Universita degli Studi de Trento, Italy |
Gina Grandy | University of Regina, Canada |
Christopher Grey | Royal Holloway University of London, UK |
Nancy Harding | University of Bath, UK |
Amanda Hay | Nottingham Trent University, UK |
Jenny Helin | Uppsalla University, Sweden |
Paul Hibbert | University of St Andrews, UK |
Robin Holt | University of Bristol, UK |
Jacky Hong | University of Macau, China |
Marian Iszatt-White | Lancaster University, UK |
Brad Jackson | University of Waikato, New Zealand |
Owain Smolovic Jones | Durham University, UK |
Sine Nørholm Just | Roskilde University, Denmark |
D. Christopher Kayes | George Washington University, USA |
Elisabeth Kelan | Cranfield University, UK |
Monika Kostera | The Jagellonian, Poland |
Wendelin Küpers | Karlshochschule International University, Germany |
Helena Liu | Bond University, Australia |
Allan MacPherson | University of Liverpool, UK |
Katy Mason | Lancaster University, UK |
James McDonald | University of Texas at San Antonio, USA |
Robert McMurray | RSCI, Ireland |
Davide Nicolini | University of Warwick, UK |
Kevin Orr | St Andrews University, UK |
Anders Örtenblad | University of Agder, Norway |
Alexia Panayiotou | University of Cyprus, Cyprus |
Mike Pedler | Henley Business School, UK |
Linda Perriton | University of Stirling, UK |
Igor Pyrko | University of Bath, UK |
Joseph A. Raelin | Northeastern University, USA |
Caroline Ramsey | University of Liverpool, UK |
Birgit Renzl | University of Stuttgart, Germany |
Sarah Robinson | Rennes School of Business, France |
Nick Rumens | Oxford Brookes University, UK |
David Sims | City University, London, UK |
Robin Stanley Snell | Hang Seng University of Hong Kong |
Andrew Sturdy | University of Bristol, UK |
Janne Tienari | Hanken University, Finland |
François-Xavier de Vaujany | Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, France |
Morten Thanning Vendelø | Copenhagen Business School, Denmark |
Dusya Vera | Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario, Canada |
Devi Vijay | Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, India |
Russ Vince | University of Bath, UK |
M. Ann Welsh | University of Cincinnati, USA |
Thijs Willems | Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.