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"The book very nicely incorporates behavior analysis and modern developmental theories. . . . Another nice feature is that it is not encyclopedic; it organizes the disparate developmental phenomena in terms of principles and mechanisms. . . . The writing style is easy to follow and suitable for college students. The scholarship and coverage are excellent."
"The book is a very good read. It is also truly unique in the field of developmental psychology…a field in which far too little attention is typically paid to the obvious fact that children’s development involves learning."
"Presents behavioral principles in a systematic and fairly sophisticated manner (as contrasted with the simplistic treatment those principles often receive in textbooks of introductory or developmental psychology), while linking up with contemporary conceptions of dynamic systems. . .straightforward and clear, accessible to undergraduates without coming across as simplistic."
"Most useful for the subset of college instructors who are process oriented and focus upon a sophisticated multilevel conceptual approach that considers the environmental impact on behavioral development and the concurrent impact of the developing individual upon the significant figures in its environment. . . . No other undergraduate text presents such a clear interweaving of developmental considerations and concepts with learning concepts."
“This book is unique because of its blending of behavior analysis and its dynamical systems point of view. . . . The authors’ writing style is very engaging and accessible to undergraduate level students [and] the level of scholarship is excellent, particularly in its depth when dealing with theoretical issues. . . . A cutting-edge look at a behavior analytic view of child and adolescent development."
Reviewed behavioural development across the lifespans linking the child psychology theorists
An excellent research guide for level 6, Masters & PhD students. A complex but diverse book for all aspects of child development. Very rich in detail and research, an excellent resource!
always good to have such well written back ground reading
The students on my course require a more practically focussed textbook. This is a textbook with very little application of theory and practice and so would not be suitable. It is probably more suited to a non-vocational course looking at child and adolescent development.
A valuable book that will support students to meet thier development module
This book works well as a text book for those wishing to research deeper into areas of development, down to the individual cell level. There are however, a number of chapters on development that would benefit the post registration community public health nursing students.
This is a clear and well presented book, will be encouraging my students to get this book
The text provides an interesting perspective on child and adolescent development for the students in their Developmental Perspectives module. The text is suitable for the year 1 FdA students and I imagine that they will also find it beneficial in Year 2 of their studies as a point of reference. The text provides a useful glossary for students and is set out clearly for general reference. Students will find the chapter on cognitive development particularly useful and I will set this as recommended reading.
This book has a good depth although it is american. May be heavy going for lower level learners.
This book will be used to contribute to students understading of the influence of developmental issues on the roles and interventions used by sport psychologists.
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