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"This newest edition is in line with the superior quality of earlier editions. Impressive in scope, sure to generate class discussion, and with material presented in an interesting manner.”
"This text is one of my favorites in the field because it helps students see just how much intercultural communication impacts their daily lives."
"The activities contained in each chapter are particularly valuable and lead to self-reflection. The items for group discussion are plentiful and well organized, leading to interactive and meaningful dialogue in the classroom. The prominent emphasis on historical and global issues, and how they affect intercultural communication, distinguish this textbook from other Intercultural Communication textbooks."
"This text offers an in-depth and sophisticated look at the many facets of culture."
"This book is easy to read and digest, well organized, and your students will like it."
"I have used the Jandt text since I began teaching my course in International and Intercultural Communication, and I continue to use it because it only gets better with age."
I will adopt in the Spring for the in-person class. For the online class in the fall, I will keep what the previous teacher used.
I have used previous versions of this text and decided to adopt this version.
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