1. Introduction: Progress and modernities
What is Progress?
More money or longer life?
Progress as a contested project
Human development, well-being and capabilities
Competing projects: neoliberalism and social democracy
Contesting conceptions of progress
Multiple Complex Inequalities
Multiple and intersecting inequalities
Complex inequalities: difference, inequality and progress
Modernity? Postmodernity? Not yet Modern? Varieties of Modernity?
Modernity or postmodernity?
Late, second or liquid modernity?
Globalization as the erosion of distinctive and separate societies
Resistant to globalization
Coevolution of global processes with trajectories of development
Implications of globalization for social theory
Complexity Theory
2. Theorising multiple social systems
Multiple Inequalities and Intersectionality
Regimes and Domains
System and Its Environment: Over-Lapping, Non-Saturating, Non-Nested Systems
Societalisation not Societies
Emergence and Projects
Bodies, Technologies and the Social
Path Dependency
Co-evolution of Complex Adaptive Systems in Changing Fitness Landscapes
3. Economies
Redefining the Economy
Domestic Labour as Labour
State Welfare as part of the Economy
What are Economic Inequalities? What is Progress in the Economy?
From Pre-Modern to Modern: The Second Great Transformation
Global Processes and Economic Inequalities
Varieties of Political Economy
Varieties of employment relations
Varieties of Welfare Provision
Critical turning points into varieties of political economy
4. Polities
Reconceptualising Types of Polities
Global political institutions
Polities Overlap and do not Politically Saturate a Territory
The development of democracy
5. Violence
Developing the Ontology of Violence
Modernity and Violence
Path Dependency in Trajections of Violence
6. Civil societies
Theorising Civil Society
Modernity and Civil Society
Civil Society Projects
Global Civil Societies and Waves
7. Regimes of complex inequality
Beyond Class Regimes
Gender Regimes
Ethnic Regimes
Further Regimes of Complex Inequalities
Intersecting Regimes of Complex Inequality
8. Varieties of modernity
Neoliberal and Social Democratic Varieties of Modernity
Path Dependency at the Economy/Polity Nexus?
Conclusions on political economy
Path Dependency at the Violence Nexus
Modernity and path dependency
Development, inequality and violence
Path dependency of the violence nexus in OECD countries
Violence, economic inequality and the polity/economy nexus
Gender Regime
Public and domestic gender regimes
Development and the public gender regime
Domestic and public gender regimes and gender inequality
Varieties of public gender regimes
Democracy and Inequality
9. Measuring progress
Economic Development
Global economic inequality
Economic inequalities and flows
Economic inequalities in summary
Inequalities in non-economic domains
Human Rights
Human Development, Well-Being and Capabilities
Key Indicator Sets: What Indicators; What Underlying Concepts of Progress?
Extending the Frameworks and Indicators of Progress: Where do Environmental
Sustainability and Violence Fit?
Environmental sustainability
Achievement of Visions of Progress: Comparing Neoliberalism and Social Democracy
Economic development: neoliberalism vs. social democracy
Equality: neoliberalism vs. social democracy
Human rights: neoliberalism vs. social democracy
Human development, well-being and capabilities: neoliberalism vs. social democracy
Trade offs or complementary?
10. Comparative paths through modernity: neoliberalism and social democracy
Political Economy
Gender Transformations: The Emergence of Employed Women as the New Champions of Social Democracy
Employed women as the new champions of social democracy
Dampeners and Catalysts of Economic Growth: War and Gender Regime
11. Contested futures
Financial and Economic Crisis 2007-9
Contesting Hegemons and the Future of the World
12. Conclusions
The Challenge of Complex Inequalities and Globalization to Social Theory