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230 Results Found for "History"


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Technology one step ahead of war laws

Los Angeles, CA, London, UK - Today’s emerging military technologies—including unmanned aerial vehicles, directed-energy weapons, lethal autonomous robots, and cyber weapons like Stuxnet—raise the prospect of upheavals in military practices so fundamental that they challenge long-established laws of war. Weapons that make their own decisions about targeting and killing humans, for example, have ethical and legal implications obvious and frightening enough to have entered popular culture (for example, in the Terminator films).

Activist Frances Crowe looks back on her 70 years of anti-nuclear protest

Los Angeles, London - With over seven decades of civil disobedience under her belt, legendary activist Frances Crowe was most recently arrested this year for trespassing at Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, two months shy of her 95th birthday. On the publication of her book, Finding My Radical Soul, Crowe speaks out about her Midwest upbringing during an era of Progressive politics, her evolution as a protestor, and the source of her remarkable drive in an exclusive interview with the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, published by SAGE.

Is nuclear power the only way to avoid geoengineering? An interview with top climate scientist Tom Wigley

Los Angeles, London - "I think one can argue that if we were to follow a strong nuclear energy pathway—as well as doing everything else that we can—then we can solve the climate problem without doing geoengineering.” So says Tom Wigley, one of the world’s foremost climate researchers, in the current issue of Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, published by SAGE. Refusing to take significant action on climate change now makes it more likely that geoengineering will eventually be needed to address the problem, Wigley explains in an exclusive Bulletin interview.

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Announce New Additions to its Board of Sponsors and Governing Board: Gareth Evans and David Wolf

CHICAGO – The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has announced new additions to its Board of Sponsors and Governing Board: the Honorable Gareth Evans, Chancellor of Australian National University, will join the Board of Sponsors; David Wolf, founder and director of Fremont Group and co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Biovec and Biovec Transfusion, will join the Governing Board.

Interpersonal conflict is the strongest predictor of community crime and misconduct

Criminology researchers use big data to track neighborhood decline in a special issue of Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency

Los Angeles, CA. Neighborhoods with more interpersonal conflict, such as domestic violence and landlord/tenet disputes, see more serious crime according to a new study out today in Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency (JRCD). Private conflict was a better predictor of neighborhood deterioration than public disorder, such as vandalism, suggesting the important role that individuals play in community safety.
