A Student’s Guide to Bayesian Statistics
- Ben Lambert - Imperial College London (London, United Kingdom)
Supported by a wealth of learning features, exercises, and visual elements as well as online video tutorials and interactive simulations, this book is the first student-focused introduction to Bayesian statistics.
Without sacrificing technical integrity for the sake of simplicity, the author draws upon accessible, student-friendly language to provide approachable instruction perfectly aimed at statistics and Bayesian newcomers. Through a logical structure that introduces and builds upon key concepts in a gradual way and slowly acclimatizes students to using R and Stan software, the book covers:
- An introduction to probability and Bayesian inference
- Understanding Bayes' rule
- Nuts and bolts of Bayesian analytic methods
- Computational Bayes and real-world Bayesian analysis
- Regression analysis and hierarchical methods
This unique guide will help students develop the statistical confidence and skills to put the Bayesian formula into practice, from the basic concepts of statistical inference to complex applications of analyses.
An excellent resource on Bayesian analysis accessible to students from a diverse range of statistical backgrounds and interests. Easy to follow with well documented examples to illustrate key concepts.
When I was a grad student, Bayesian statistics was restricted to those with the mathematical fortitude to plough through source literature. Thanks to Lambert, we now have something we can give to the modern generation of nascent data scientists as a first course. Love the supporting videos, too!
Written in highly accessible language, this book is the gateway for students to gain a deep understanding of the logic of Bayesian analysis and to apply that logic with numerous carefully selected hands-on examples. Lambert moves seamlessly from a traditional Bayesian approach (using analytic methods) that serves to solidify fundamental concepts, to a modern Bayesian approach (using computational sampling methods) that endows students with the powerful and practical powers of application. I would recommend this book and its accompanying materials to any students or researchers who wish to learn and actually do Bayesian modeling.
A balanced combination of theory, application and implementation of Bayesian statistics in a not very technical language. A tangible introduction to intangible concepts of Bayesian statistics for beginners.
The late, famous statistician Jimmie Savage would have taken great pleasure in this book based on his work in the 1960s on Bayesian statistics. He would have marveled at the presentations in the book of many new and strong statistical and computer analyses.
While there is increasing interest in Bayesian statistics among scholars of different social science disciplines, I always looked for a text book which is accessible to a wide range of students who do not necessarily have extended knowledge of statistics. Now, I believe that this is the first textbook of Bayesian statistics, which can also be used for social science undergraduate students. Ben Lambert begins with a general introduction to statistical inference and successfully brings the readers to more specific and practical aspects of Bayesian inference. In addition to its well-considered structure, many graphical presentations and reasonable examples contribute for a broader audience to obtain well-founded understanding of Bayesian statistics.
This book offers a path to get into the field of Bayesian statistics with no previous knowledge. Building from elementary to advanced topics, including theoretic and computational aspects, and focusing on the application, it is an excellent read for newcomers to the Bayesian world.
This book was used as essential reading throughout my module (on an MSc level) not just for learning the “what”, “why” and “how” about the key principles and theory behind Bayesian statistics; but for understanding the practical component for implementing statistical analysis the Bayesian way using Stan interfaced with RStudio through RStan package, as well as for learning the Stan and RStan coding etiquettes for implementing Bayesian modelling and gaining its mastery in Stan and RStudio.
This is an excellent book, which is excellent for students who have been exposed to statistics (e.g., at least GLM, hierarchical regression etc.).
Hands down the best introduction to Bayesian approaches. Unlike other "introductions", Lambert doesn't assume an acquaintance with integral calculus and helps the student instead to build an intuition about Bayesian approaches (and their distinction from frequentist approaches). I'm sure this will take its place alongside Field's book on SPSS as a must-have for psychology undergraduates and post-graduates.
Probably the best introductory textbook for bayesian statistics. - In particular, it is very applied, provides a modern and up-to-date introduction, as well as clear guides how to best use the book.