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A comprehensive and accessible text which comes with a range of online resources that make it an essential core text for a practical 'hands-on' approach to teaching and learning qualitative research methods.
A very good introduction to different qualitative methods in psychology, and many useful examples and practical tips that helped undergraduate students a lot.
My first use of this text within a module and I'm delighted with it. Clearly demonstrates the differences between the key methods of research and offers a very practical, hands on way of getting to grips with analysis. My only concern was the out of date link to the online resources. I found them eventually but clearly this will be a feature to change in any new editions.
This is an excellent book, although student nurses would not necessarily be undertaking their own research they do explore research techniques, particularly qualitative methods and this book is recommended to use as it is easy to follow.
A good introduction for first years
excellent introductory text
Although this is a very useful text, it is more relevant to another first year module- I will make it available to other lecturers, although they may already be using this book on their modules.
Excellent guide to all aspects of qualitative research. Useful reading for final year undergraduates, masters and PhD students.
This is a very well organised and presented book. I particularly like the way it presents the general issues in qualitative research then focuses on specific methodologies. I will be strongly recommending it to my students.
Great for our modules as this book covers methods not discussed in detail in general research methods books.
This is a really good text giving practical, accessible yet thorough information and guidance. I like the fact that there is attention given to the theoretical underpinnings of qualitative work, and then the themed chapters on the different approaches work very well. I am impressed with this text and will certainly be recommending it to students undertaking qualitative research projects
I really liked this title. Found it very informative. Alas, a little too informative for general undergraduate level research methods course. I'm going to stick to a research methods book that covers qualitative and quantiative methods together. I thought it was very well written though, and the examples were very useful.
core text as part of qualitative methods for grounded theory coursework. Well written and easy to follow book explaining qualitative methods
This is a very readable textbook with addresses a range of important areas to consider when thinking about embarking on qualitative research. Its added value is that it comes with a companion website and a range of videoed interviews and transcripts to use for training purposes and to develop one's skills in analysing text. It is a highly recommended book for people who are novice to qualitative reserach, as well as more experienced researchers.
This book is adopted as recommended book for next year 2012
This is a very good book. The only reason that I would not adopt it as essential is that the project that students have to do is using IPA and we have a specific IPA book for this. As more general book the book by Carla Willig has more theoretical/ philosophical considerations and therefore supplements the IPA book better.
useful supplemental resource for undergraduate and postgraduatre students
I have adopted the following book: Creswell, J.W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches.
Excellent introductory and hands on for students beginning qualitative dissertations
This book provides a clear and logical progression through the selection and implementation of a qualitative approach. The use of the same data to illustrate differing analysis is extremely useful for illustrating to studets how these approaches differ. In addition there are numerous redirections to additional texts which i found very useful.
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