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This is a very useful resource for students who are evaluating case study research, or who are contemplating this as a methodology for their own research.
I have used a previous edition extensively for my own research. Yin is an essential for all case study researchers. I am delighted to have the new edition. It is a classic.
An excellent text for educator/student research methods using case study as an approach. Written in a way that makes interpretation, understanding and application easier.
This is an essential book for research using a case study approach.
Stake provides a useful step by step guide to case study methods used in qualitative inquiry. The use of workshop scenarios helps cement its application in practice.
A concise book that is so elaborate most especially for early career researchers using case study as an approach. The writing style is simple with detail examples; also the use of foot notes in the book is an “icing on the cake”.
It did not suit the needs of the actual students. This does not mean that the book would be not good - in contrary.
Classic book to go alongside Yin for a different philosophical perspective. Will advise students doing case study to read this.
Great book, essential reading for all research methods modules
This is a classic text and clearly accessible to novice and more mature researchers interested in Case Study Research. Each chapter is well defined and signposts the next chapter.
This is an excellent book for case study research focussing on qualitative case studies. Essential for researchers looking to use this approach.
Excellent introduction into qualitative, case study research. Very well written, conveying the key issues in clear and very engaging manner. Can also serve as a very short introduction manual to qualitative research in general.
A helpful text for the those students considering case study methodologies at post graduate level.
The art of case study research is mainly focused upon an interpretivist perspective in that the cases discussed are centred on people’s stories and accounts. This book contains 10 chapters with the first chapter providing a definition of what a case study is in terms of how it focuses on the ‘uniqueness’ and ‘commonality’ of a particular problem, event, place or experience to better understand a phenomenon. This chapter also describes criterion for case selection and discusses issues related to ‘generalisation’, as well as ways in which researchers can generalise within cases.
The Art of Case Study Research is an indispensable source for the case study researcher. Essential reading prior to embarking on case study research.
Many of the post-graduate students take a case study vapproach in their small scale research projects and this book will be very useful for them in develeoping their methodologies and procedures.
It is clearly evident that the author has many years experience in designing and undertaking case studies and as such this is an essential text for any researcher undertaking a case study. It is easy to read and is laid out in a clear, logical way. Thank you.
A superb supporting text for undergraduate and post graduate students conducting empirical research. Written in a logical and methodical order, workshops help students gain detailed understanding of the chosen concepts
This book will be used as a useful resource in developing learning activities and supplementary instructional handouts for students
This is an excellent text for students undertaking case study research.
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