Pranee Liamputtong VinUniversity, Vietnam
Pranee is a medical anthropologist and has interests in the health of women, children, immigrants, refugees, older people, and transgender individuals. In terms of health issues, Pranee is very interested in issues relating to motherhood, reproductive health, sexuality, sexual health, mental health and chronic illnesses. Recently, Pranee has focused her research on sexuality and sexual health issues of Asian women, refugee/immigrant women, young people, and trans women of colour. She has written a number of textbooks and research articles on health-related issues. Pranee is also a qualitative researcher and has written many textbooks on this approach. Some of her textbooks (Qualitative Research Methods, Research Methods in Health and Evidence-Based Practice, Social Determinants of Health, & Public Health) have been adopted widely, both in Australia and overseas. Previously, Pranee held the position of Professor of Public Health at Western Sydney University and Personal Chair of Public Health at La Trobe University, in Australia. She is now a Professor of Behaviour Sciences at the College of Health Sciences, VinUnivesity in Hanoi where she continues her research with marginalised groups in Vietnam and other groups in Asia.