Action Research for Nurses
- Peter McDonnell
- Jean McNiff - Independent Academic Consultant
This book supports nurses in investigating their own professional practices in order to develop the new insights and approaches:
· embodying holistic perspectives in dialogical and relational forms of individual and organisational learning,
· equal emphasis on processes and outcomes;
· welcoming all participants’ contributions , and listening to all voices;
· developing a patient-centred focus where people are involved in their own healing;
· building communities of enquiring practices.
This book is intended for undergraduate student nurses, qualified practising nurses in clinical settings who may or may not be engaged in formal professional education courses and nurse educators and managers.
In our evidence-led culture, this is a research text with a difference. By helping nurses to research their own practice and generate their own evidence, this gently subversive book attempts to restore professional power to practising nurses.
Action research links well to health promotion within the Making Every Contact Count strategy: this book is very useful for reviewing current practice as well as improving understanding of methodological issues when conducting research
Sample Materials & Chapters
Action Research for Nurses: What do you need to know about action research?